No hay mejor método para aprender un idioma que a través de la música: conocemos vocabulario y aprendemos cómo se pronuncian las palabras, al tiempo que las empleamos y fijamos en nuestra mente cuando nos decidimos a cantar. Por eso os traigo una serie de canciones que uso en mis clases de inglés, relacionadas con los tiempos verbales, el vocabulario, o algún tema concreto.
La primera que os traigo es "If you were a sailboat", de Katie Melua, y viene genial para practicar las condicionales. Debajo del vídeo os dejo la letra con huecos para rellenar, así que sólo tendéis que copiar y pegar. ¡Que la disfrutéis!
"If You Were A
Katie Melua
book – night – long – feed – cowboy – days – trail –
jail – wood – true – hungry – lead – sail – floor – fate – songs – shore – ring
– chances – river – swim – sing – seem – house – live – preacher – darkness –
ways – read – spring – telephone – pain – light
If you were a
______________, I would ______________ you.
If you were a
piece of ______________, I'd nail you to the ______________.
If you're a
sailboat, I would ______________ you to the ______________.
If you're a
______________, I would ______________ you,
If you're a
____________, I would ____________ in you all my ____________.
If you're a
______________, I'd begin to change my ______________.
Sometimes I
believe in ______________,
But the
______________ we create,
______________ to ring more ______________.
You took a
chance on loving me,
I took a
chance on loving you.
If I was in
______________, I know you'd ______________ me.
If I was a
______________, you'd _______________ me all day ______________.
If was in
____________, I know you'd ____________ me soothing ___________.
If I was
______________, you would ______________ me.
If I was in
darkness, you would lead me to the light.
If I was a
book, I know you'd read me every night.
If you're a
______________ I would ______________ you,
If you're a
piece of ______________ I'd nail you to the ______________.
If you're a
sailboat I would ______________ you to the ______________. (x2)